Are you someone that loves to travel, but can never get the perfect photo to remember the trip? Or are you a keen photographer that wants to brush up on their skills? With all the excitement of discovering a new place, it can be difficult to concentrate on taking photos. But don’t worry – we’ve got 6 easy steps for you to follow, and soon you’ll be taking stunning travel photos in no time.
Whether you’re able to go on holiday this year or you’re just thinking about your next trip, you can put these tips into practice at home or on holiday. Why not get practicing in your local area to perfect your photography skills before your next trip?
1. Get timings right

Getting the timing right is a crucial element to taking good photos on the go. When planning your trip, it’s good to allow time for taking photos, and think about when the best time of the day is to get snapping.
Early mornings are often the best time to take photos, when the light is best and when it’s quiet, so there are fewer people around to interfere with your shots. Similarly, early evening when the sun is beginning to set is a good time for lighting, but it can be busier.
When taking photos on the go, make sure that you stop and pause while taking the photo, keeping the camera steady. It can be tempting to rush from one place to the next, taking photos on the move, but often when you look back at your camera roll, all the pictures are blurry. Take a bit of time to soak in the view and take a picture – you’ll remember the moment better, and your photo will turn out great, too!
2. Research where you want to go

Before your trip, do some research of the best places to take photos. As well as tourist hotspots, there are often little-known beauty spots or hidden viewpoints where you can get a better shot.
Look at photos on social media or search for photos on the Internet, then check geotags to work out where the pictures have been taken. Research local beauty spots and viewpoints to find your best photography locations.
3. Try out different angles

Do you want to go on holiday or go travelling and come back with the same photos as everybody else, or do you want something a bit different?
Try taking your photos from different angles to get a variation on the shot everyone else has. Get down low to take your photo from the ground looking up or find high ground to take your photo looking downwards. You can also experiment with what’s in the foreground of your picture, for example framing the subject with leaves and trees.
4. Use your camera grid

Use the grid on your camera to frame the shot. One way to ensure your photo is framed well is to use the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is a guideline for photography which states that the most important focal points in the photo should be placed along the gridlines or at the intersections where the gridlines meet.
5. Lighting is everything

Lighting is everything. You need to consider the weather and the time of day to determine what lighting is best for your photos. The best times to take photos are in the hours after sunrise or the hours before sunset. Think about the direction of the sun, for example if you’re taking a photo of a mountain, try to be there when the sun is shining onto it for the best lighting. You don’t want the sun to be behind the object you’re photographing, as it will appear dark.
Don’t forget that the sunrise and sunset themselves make beautiful photos…you can’t beat a sunset over a calm sea!
6. Think about printing

We all love to print and display the photos from our travels as a souvenir, whether it’s canvas prints , photobooks or stunning metal prints. When taking your travel photos, it’s a good idea to have your photo projects in mind so you can capture the right shots.
If you want to capture a beautiful moment on canvas , opt for high quality landscape shots of beaches, mountains and lakes. If you want to create a photobook full of your travel memories, it’s a good idea to take lots of photos so you can fill your book up and really capture the essence of your trip. Take high quality scenic shots as well as lots of casual shots of streets, people, your friends and family and any little interesting details you want to remember. It’s worth thinking about the cover too, so take a photo of your favourite place or moment for the cover.
For the best possible photo prints, you want high quality photos, so follow the tips above to get the lighting and framing right for a good quality photo. You can take good photos on your smartphone, but if you like crystal clear shots, opt for a high-resolution camera.